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Improving Productivity through Digitization

Years ago, and sometimes still today, business processes were analog. All customer files, manuals, repair handbooks were hard copies. Digitization is the process of converting something from analog to digital form. Digitization is the first step into digital...

It’s Time for Equipment Intelligence

Why using an intelligent staging area to fix equipment, asset maintenance and parts book records is always the best, first step for making an EAM useful. In many asset-intensive businesses, critical asset data is missing. Equipment and asset hierarchies need changes...

Reorganizing Asset Hierarchies

Although you may hate reorganizing, it may be necessary to improve yourself or your company. Corporate reorganizations may be prompted by failures now and then, but more often they are essential elements of success. Even with advancements in technology and a focus on...

Bad Data Causing Unexpected Downtime

Unexpected downtime is a major issue that keeps professionals up at night and is inevitable in asset intensive industries. Unexpected downtime is becoming more frequent in organizations and causes production (and more importantly revenue) to come to a halt. How can...

How to Prepare for IIoT

The digital transformation to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) requires more than adopting new technologies. It requires changes to people, processes and information management. Without an effective system to manage asset information, you will not be successful in...

Basic Principles of Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance can be very useful for your company to help reduce maintenance costs and repairs. Why should your company perform preventive maintenance? Legal Standards Required: It is important that you maintain and inspect your technical system regularly,...