by Jackie Greekamol | Nov 19, 2019
Like Titanic, we may often only notice just the tip of the iceberg. While it is easy to overlook seemingly small problems (root causes), the rest of the iceberg could be much bigger and more complex. Are you an asset-intensive company that struggles with seeing the... by Sophie Strobel | Nov 14, 2019
Too much maintenance is expensive, too little maintenance can result in stopped production, and PM Optimization (just like Goldilocks) is only a fairytale, right? PM Optimization can seem like a long shot for most businesses. Daily routines are packed which doesn’t... by Jackie Greekamol | Nov 12, 2019
Effective spare parts management can save asset intensive businesses money. Yet, many asset-intensive organizations may find themselves struggling to find and order spare parts efficiently. This often results in inefficient rushed orders where parts information is... by Jackie Greekamol | Nov 7, 2019
Many asset intensive companies may find that they struggle with getting preventive maintenance (PM) right. Too little scheduled PMs may result into more problems, but too many may result into wasted resources, data management challenges and so forth. There is no doubt... by Jackie Greekamol | Nov 5, 2019
What is AI? Artificial intelligence is defined as the ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions associated with human minds, such as learning and problem solving, to solve business problems. AI adoption can advance current technologies to new heights. ... by Jackie Greekamol | Oct 31, 2019
Downtime is any period of time when a machine is not in production. Downtime is one of the most critical challenges of manufacturing and one of the main sources of lost production time. Downtime affects businesses across all industries. There are many reasons why...