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How to Build the Perfect BoM

Recipes are a great way to achieve a certain outcome through a thought-out, structured process. That delicious homestyle burger you ordered a week ago? The chef followed a recipe to make it – and it’s no different from a BoM. In essence, a BoM is an exhaustive list of...

The First Step in Creating Digital Twins: Plant Walkdowns

Industry 4.0 is now being slowly implemented into the operations of both emerging and established companies alike, and for good reason. This new wave of productivity in manufacturing allows for companies to avoid unnecessary human labor and rely on automation instead....

Fix Unorganized Data with Plant Walkdowns

Plant walkdowns are a fantastic method for obtaining important data about your plant, but making sure that you’re keeping it organized and well-kept afterwards is a task that many companies tend to struggle with. Assets and equipment need to be sorted properly and...

Correcting Your P&IDs During a Plant Walkdown

You need to know absolutely everything about your plant to operate efficiently and effectively. Having accurate and up to date P&IDs available is very useful for maintenance and operations. But over time, as changes are made to your plant and drawings don’t get...