by Adanna Anyalechi | Feb 18, 2021
Data management is the heartbeat of every asset-intensive company. These companies spend billions of dollars on Enterprise Resource Planning, Enterprise Asset Management, and Computerized Maintenance Management systems to adhere to maintenance and reliability... by Adanna Anyalechi | Feb 16, 2021
Some businesses choose to create a bills of materials in spreadsheets. It may seem simple at first, I mean, who doesn’t use Excel? This may seem like a viable option, but not for long. As a company experiences growth and continues to scale, spreadsheets can become... by Adanna Anyalechi | Feb 11, 2021
The key to organizational success is constant improvement. There are always ways for companies to better serve their customers, cater to the market, and grow their client base. Asset-intensive companies rely heavily on asset and maintenance data management. Therefore,... by Adanna Anyalechi | Feb 9, 2021
Last week, we established that the benefits of having a bill of materials are definitely worth the time, money, and expertise required to build them. However, creating a BoM is only half of the process. The other half is making sure the BoM is accurate. This step is... by Adanna Anyalechi | Feb 4, 2021
Finding the right materials in your EAM system can seem like an uphill battle for maintenance planners working at asset-intensive companies. It could be because of misnamed materials or confusing duplicates, which can pose a significant challenge and delay maintenance... by Adanna Anyalechi | Feb 2, 2021
A Bill of Material (BoM) is an exhaustive list of the different spare parts for a piece of equipment. It also includes instructions on how to collect and use each material. In other words, a BoM is essentially like a shopping list and detailed recipe for creating a...