by Rhiana Safieh | Aug 31, 2021
Asset-intensive organizations rely heavily on effective spare parts management to reduce costs while keeping operations running smoothly. Effective spare parts management and optimization include stocking the recommended spare parts for critical assets, eliminating... by Rhiana Safieh | Aug 26, 2021
In the context of EAM and CMMS systems, there are many ways companies may describe their asset and maintenance data to simplify the complicated ways in which this data is managed. Our recent blogs have been focused on the topic of cleansing your materials data and the... by Rhiana Safieh | Aug 24, 2021
Materials can be thought of as spare parts used for larger pieces of equipment. In everyday life, examples could include an oil filter in a car, or a pump in a laundry machine. With repeated use, these materials experience wear and tear and need to be replaced. For... by Rhiana Safieh | Aug 19, 2021
Once you have identified that your spare parts data needs to be cleansed, it is time to look into conducting a materials cleansing project. A cleansing project has many benefits for your company’s maintenance processes, operations, procurement efficiency and ROI,... by Rhiana Safieh | Aug 17, 2021
When dealing with a CMMS or EAM system that has a countless number of files, documents, and other entries, evaluating the overall quality of your spare parts data and differentiating between low and high-quality data can be incredibly challenging. However, there are... by Rhiana Safieh | Aug 12, 2021
Asset-intensive companies have made considerable efforts to improve efficiency and reliability while reducing operating costs. As a result, they have invested billions of dollars in ERP, EAM, and CMMS systems to meet their maintenance and reliability goals....