by Greg Dee | Aug 24, 2015
If you haven’t figured it out already, that’s me in the jailhouse jumpsuit, entertaining some SAP consultants, hanging over the edge of the famed CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario, 1168 feet (356 m) above the concrete below. Other than paddling through the Florida... by Nigel Stokes | Aug 18, 2015
We spend a lot of time helping customers track data for their asset intensive businesses. Their industries range from Energy, Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper, Construction, Mining – you name it. One thing our customers all share: some, if not all, of their asset... by Nigel Stokes | Aug 4, 2015
Here at HubHead, we spend a lot of time with customers who are managing Asset Intensive businesses in Oil & Gas, Energy, Paper, Transportation, Utilities and many other industries. Almost all of those customers have implemented some form of EAM (Enterprise Asset... by Brenda Horner | Jul 17, 2015
Bad CMMS Data? What do old shoes and CMMS data have in common? They both become out of date quickly. They become worn and scuffed over time, even battered. They need attention periodically to keep functioning properly. If left alone long enough, they begin to decay.... by James McDermott | Nov 6, 2014
This year marks the 30th anniversary of ADIPEC (Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference), and it promises to be the best conference yet. With over 1800 exhibitors and more than 70, 000 attendees, this will certainly be one of, if not the... by James McDermott | Oct 22, 2014
This week, we at HubHead announced the release of a new version of the NRX AssetHub platform (NRX AssetHub 6.3 SP3, as our Development team likes to call it). This release is exciting for us because it introduces numerous enhancements that make integrating NRX...