by Laryssa Li | Sep 28, 2017
When your asset-intensive company requires maintenance BOMs, what do you do? Do maintenance workers have to figure out what parts are needed and track down vendor maintenance documents? Or do they find the recommended spare parts lists and figure out what is needed?... by Laryssa Li | Sep 26, 2017
Companies require thousands of asset tags in order to organize their equipment in an effective manner; therefore it is crucial that these tags are accurate and up to date. The accuracy in asset tags is highly important in asset-intensive companies as it helps identify... by Jessica Zuckier | Sep 20, 2017
Trying to reduce downtime and order spare parts faster, while keeping operations running smoothly, should not be a difficult and stressful task for an asset-intensive organization. Unfortunately, in most businesses, this task is very challenging, especially when... by Jessica Zuckier | Sep 19, 2017
Is your asset-intensive company struggling with compliance issues that result in high costs? Are you having trouble verifying that the maintenance plans and inspection tasks programmed into your EAM conform to your corporate performance standards? Or, are you finding... by Jessica Zuckier | Sep 14, 2017
For many asset-intensive organizations, it is an ongoing challenge to find the correct materials in their EAM system. Whether their system has misnamed parts, no storage system for legacy parts descriptions, or selecting the correct parts to plan work orders is... by Jessica Zuckier | Sep 12, 2017
Are you rolling out a new facility that must comply with several performance reliability standards? Do you have an existing facility that requires updates for these standards? Whatever your maintenance and reliability initiatives involve, ensuring there is accuracy in...