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Stop struggling with equipment tags

Managing huge numbers of equipment tags to identify and track assets can be a lot of work. That’s why so many companies struggle with their equipment tag management. Unfortunately, some of the processes used by companies today have resulted in inconsistent, duplicate,...

Get on the RDS-PP and KKS Bandwagon

Today, RDS-PP and KKS are the go to for power generation companies that want to adopt proper standards. This is a classification system that will allow for systematic and accurate classification of all parts of a power generation plant. This identification system...

Better Maintenance BOMs = Better Company

When Asset-Intensive companies need to order parts maintenance BOMs, usually maintenance workers have to track vendor maintenance documents or the spare parts list and manually figure out what is needed. There are endless possibilities but very few effective solutions...

Top 3 Reasons Why Organizing Asset Hierarchy Is Difficult

Companies are always looking to see what they can improve, especially when it comes to asset-intensive companies looking to improve their asset hierarchy. Aligning your CMMS equipment hierarchy with an international standard is considered the best practice. However,...