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NRX AssetHub for Building Digital Twins using AI

NRX AssetHub provides maintenance and reliability professionals at asset-intensive businesses with world-class software solutions for analyzing, visualizing, building, editing, organizing, approving, and sustaining high-quality Asset and Maintenance Data for their Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) and Computerized Maintenance Management (CMMS) systems. One of the things our customers use NRX AssetHub for is to build Digital Twins of plants and equipment so they can find assets and choose spare parts visually and more efficiently. It also allows them to understand how their plant and equipment functions visually and maintain and operate their equipment efficiently

Business Benefits
  • Automate and Speed Up the Creation of Digital Twins, Visual BOMs and Parts Books
  • Choose spare parts accurately and efficiently
  • Find where equipment is located and understand where it fits in the process
  • Plan and schedule maintenance work more efficiently
  • Integrate or Load the Digital Twins, Visual BOMs and Parts Books into asset management systems including EAM/CMMS systems
Powered by AI

Maintenance teams often don’t have much time for data management. Keeping P&IDs, drawings and EAM/CMMS data up-to-date has always been challenging. NRX AssetHub automates most of the work using AI and ML. Information about assets and parts are extracted automatically from OEM documentation. Information is organized and loaded automatically. Drawings and models are hot-pointed and linked automatically. AI and ML takes care of the data management heavy lifting and saves 90% of the time required to build and keep Digital Twins up-to-date.

Easy to Use

Quite rightly maintenance workers are really good at fixing things. Their focus shouldn’t be on learning how to use complex solutions. We’ve always had practical easy to use solutions for the maintenance world. Solutions that deliver value to maintenance teams without the need to learn special skills. The AI Powered Digital Twin Builder is easy to use with a simple intuitive UI that allows maintenance workers to control the AI and edit and refine results easily.

Export Anywhere

Once you’ve created your Digital Twins there are lots of export options. The best option is our NRX Digital Twin for Maintenance preferably fully integrated with your EAM/CMMS solution. But the solution can also be configured to export into any format you need to load into your own systems. You can also export to PDF to share fully hot-pointed Digital Twins anywhere. BOM and equipment data can also be exported to load into your EAM/CMMS solution.

Choose Spare Parts Visually and Efficiently

Accurate selection of spare parts when planning maintenance delivers a high ROI in reduced downtime and procurement efficiency. Reduce costs associated with misordered and special order parts including rush orders, return shipping, and inefficient procurement.

Plan More Efficiently

Being able to visualize your assets, spare parts and processes makes planning maintenance more efficient. Maintenance personnel spend less time looking for parts and information, and execute work orders faster. Work orders contain more detailed, accurate information, resulting in better maintenance reporting and accounting.