Improve cleansing processes with automated procedures
Part of what may make a materials cleanse intimidating to asset maintenance and reliability professionals is the costly prospect of human error. Precious time may be wasted as workers search for misnamed, duplicate, or obsolete materials in an attempt to rename, reorganize, delete, or replace this data. Though they may dedicate their time to carefully ensuring that the spare parts names and descriptions in the EAM system are as accurate as possible, workers are not immune to mistakes: they may not be able to find and delete obsolete materials; they may add another duplicate spare part to the EAM system because they could not find the existing part after searching for it, or they may not follow standard naming conventions. We’re all human, and we make mistakes! However, automated processes are much less likely to fall victim to these human errors.
In general, automation is proactive.
Ask us about automation
Finding a comprehensive materials cleansing solution with automated procedures that will fit the needs of your company and help your workers better understand the assets that they work with can be tough. However, such a solution can have lots of long-term benefits to the way your business plans, schedules, and manages workflow processes. If you’re interested in learning more about managing your materials, or if you’d like to discover how NRX Assethub can help improve your spare parts data, feel free to explore our resources linked below, or book a demo to chat with us!
Materials Data 101
Knowing your Spare Parts Dictionary from A to Z
Standardizing Your Spare Parts Data with a Materials Cleanse
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