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Smart Data Powers Smart Manufacturing

Factories today are more intelligent and efficient than ever before. Behind the scenes; planning, supply chain logistics, and operations are all playing into increasing the efficiency on a factory floor. Smart manufacturing machines are collecting information and...

Are you Smarter Than a Data Quality Report?

Do you know the state of your data? Is it accurate and complete? How much of it is usable and how much of it needs to be cleansed? Most of our customers don’t have a quick answer to these questions. You may understand that there are issues with your data usability,...

Excel Without Microsoft Excel

Do you want your asset-intensive business to excel? Then Microsoft Excel is not the platform you should be using to manage your asset and maintenance master data, there are better options. If you are using Excel, then you probably struggle to view the data you need...

Digitized Data has Evolved. Have You?

Can you imagine conducting your job without a CMMS or EAM system? Many people can – digitized data was not common until the early 2000s. Over the past two decades, there have been several enhancements to maintenance and asset management systems that have caused...

Wrench Time is Money

Do you believe time is money? We help our customers increase wrench time by at least 25% by making it easier and faster for maintenance workers to find information. Earlier this week we introduced 3 of the most common wrench time wasters, one of the big ones being...