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Data Quality Trust Issues

Your job requires data that has been compiled by numerous different sources and so a certain amount of trust in the work of others is required. What if you find persisting errors riddled in the data that you require to do your job? Are you still able to trust any of...

Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast

Where are you now, and where do you want to be? Plan, idealize, break down each process. Strategize. Make a business report, have it approved. But wait, all of this will be worthless if you cannot inspire your team to carry out your vision. Schedule a Meeting Perhaps...

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine (Million Dollars)

They say that the two happiest days of a man’s life are the day he buys his first boat, and the day he sells it. The intention is to spend days and weekends on the water, fishing, and taking in the sun, but in reality, boating is a very expensive hobby. There is the...

Please, Not Another Software Application

How many different software applications do you have to open in order to do your job? Are you frustrated with a crowded laptop? A slow interface from all the programs that are running in the background? When people invest in an EAM system that isn’t efficient they err...