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The Opportunity Cost of Predictive Maintenance

The best explanation I have ever heard of predictive maintenance is that: “Your current maintenance activities are the opportunity cost of not working on other maintenance activities.” What other maintenance activities are you giving up to focus on your task at hand?...

SAP Long Text Fields – Where Data Goes to Die

This blog is dedicated to the struggles almost everyone has with long text fields in their SAP PM Master Data. The dreaded place where useful data gets lost and buried in an unusable format. It’s not standardized across the company, creates a headache when migrating...

New Orleans NRX Connect User Group Conference

You are Invited! Please join us for our third annual NRX Connect User Group Conference! This event brings together NRX AssetHub customers, partners, and prospective users to enhance their experience with NRX AssetHub. What is NRX Connect? “NRX Connect” is an exciting...