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On Tactical & Strategic Asset Data Management

At HubHead, we provide software products that help our customers focus on the integrity of their foundational asset and maintenance data. To address data integrity issues, we inevitably need to help our customers look at, fix, and trust the data in their Enterprise...

Never Fight the Brand: NRX AssetHub

One of the advantages of a start-up is we get to spend lots of time with customers. Most of our time is spent talking about how customers use our products, the benefits they get and sometimes even the name they call the product (all four letter names are generally...

On HubHead’s SAP Partnership

At HubHead and NRX we have been working with and around SAP for a long time. SAP is a great partner and adds deep credibility to the HubHead-NRX AssetHub story. Over the last several months we have been focused on renewing and enhancing our SAP partnership. For...

Rebrand to Hubhead

NRX Rebrand to Hubhead In any business career there aren’t many opportunities to undertake a corporate rebrand. With the recent acquisition of NRX we were fortunate to be presented with that unique opportunity. NRX Global had a great brand with their AssetHub software...