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Effects of Poor EAM Data on Operations

The most important aspect of an EAM system is an organization’s asset and maintenance master data. Therefore, it is absolutely critical that your master data is accurate, as this will be the foundation of your company’s maintenance procedures. If your master data is...

Bad Master Data in your EAM System

Master data is the heartbeat of every asset-intensive organization. The data in their EAM and CMMS systems are critical in driving maintenance procedures forward and ensuring business operations run smoothly. When a company’s master data is bad, it has a direct effect...

Benefits of Migrating to a New EAM System

Using an EAM system is in the best interest of every asset-intensive company. If your company is not getting what it needs from your current system, it will make sense to migrate a new EAM system, but you might be apprehensive about embarking on such a significant...

Poorly Planned EAM System Upgrades

While helping several companies last year, we noticed many of our customers wanting to migrate their EAM master data while simultaneously completing system upgrades. It becomes more of a jam-everything-in-at-once approach where two essential things are planned to...