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NRX Maintenance Mentor with Simple SAP Notification

Controlling SAP work order information quality. NRX Maintenance Mentor (part of the NRX AssetHub platform), is a notification and work order automation solution that helps companies using SAP Plant Maintenance enforce better maintenance processes and accelerate data input for maintenance personnel. Our customers rely on NRX Maintenance Mentor to ensure corporate guidelines for notifications and work orders are met, with more complete, more accurate, and more meaningful results. By using NRX Maintenance Mentor, our customers reduce their maintenance backlogs, improve their maintenance strategies, and save on SAP PM training costs.

How Our Customers Use Our Software
  • To improve the quality of data in SAP PM notifications
  • To capture all required data in SAP PM work orders
  • To reduce the time and costs required for SAP Plant Maintenance training
  • To ensure the inclusion of Activity, Cause, and Damage codes
  • To capture detailed data in SAP PM work orders for Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)

More wrench time

NRX Maintenance Mentor helps our customers increase wrench time by at least 25% by ensuring notifications and work orders contain the information maintenance personnel need.


Better maintenance.

Our solutions help our customers achieve a savings of at least 2.5% on the cost of ongoing maintenance and operations.


Improve the Quality of Data in SAP PM Notifications

Maintenance notifications often contain limited detail, making it difficult to determine what they refer to without following up. And the information they contain may not even be correct. Maintenance technicians waster valuable time decoding the information to determine the correct priority, the affected equipment, and what action is required. A simple SAP notification would help.


What NRX Maintenance Mentor does

NRX Maintenance Mentor helps our customer ensure that the data included in a notification is complete, accurate, and informative. NRX Maintenance Mentor provides an easy-to-use front end to SAP Plant Maintenance. Our customers use NRX Maintenance Mentor to guide their maintenance technicians through a series of questions, collecting detailed information, and populating data where required.



Notifications are meaningful and precise, and quick and simple to create. NRX Maintenance Mentor provides a simple, customized, wizard-driven interface to our customers’ SAP Plant Maintenance systems. Our customers make the data they require in notifications mandatory in NRX Maintenance Mentor, and can easily create lists of values maintenance personnel can select from to keep notifications simple, and consistent. They can also use NRX Maintenance MEntor to pre-populate fields based on responses to earlier questions.

Automatically assign the correct priority to notifications and reduce backlog. NRX Maintenance Mentor automatically prioritizes each notification based on user responses to a series of questions. Our customers benefit from this by significantly reducing maintenance backlog attributed to over-prioritized maintenance notifications



Capture All Required Data in SAP PM Work Orders

Most maintenance technicians dislike data entry, and completing detailed work orders and work order closeouts in not a priority for them. Technicians may skip steps or omit critical details that the business requires to properly maintain assets.


What NRX Maintenance Mentor does

NRX Maintenance Mentor helps our customers ensure critical steps are completed, and key information is entered into work orders. NRX Maintenance Mentor provides an easy-to-use front end to SAP Plant Maintenance. Our customers use NRX Maintenance Mentor to guide maintenance technicians through a series of questions, collecting critical data, and populating key information for work order creation and closeout.

This results in work orders that contain all the information a technician requires to efficiently and effectively complete the work and provides accurate data for Reliability analysis.



Execute work orders faster. Maintenance personnel spend less time on data entry because they are guided by an easy-to-use wizard.

Reduce errors in work orders. NRX Maintenance Mentor fields are easily customizable. Our customers use NRX Maintenance Mentor to make key SAP PM fields mandatory, so the data they need in a work order is entered. They can also provide selection lists for fields, reducing typographical errors in the word orders. Our customers use logic to automatically populate applicable fields based on the responses to simple questions. By asking simple questions, work orders are automatically prioritized correctly, and SAP PM long text is generated with the right information. Our customers use NRX Maintenance Mentor to take the guesswork out of the data entry. Consequently, work orders contain more detailed, accurate information, resulting in better maintenance reporting and accounting.


Ensure Inclusion of Activity, Cause, and Damage Codes

Companies typically struggle with incomplete information in notifications and work orders. In order to track maintenance costs, project future maintenance requirements, and perform any kind of probability analysis, detailed information about maintenance and repairs needs to be captured within the work orders. If this data is incomplete, accurate projections are not possible.


What NRX Maintenance Mentor does

NRX Maintenance Mentor helps our customers enforce the processes that ensure the data they need is included in each and every work order or notification. NRX Maintenance Mentor provides an easy-to-use front end to SAP Plant Maintenance. Our customers use NRX Maintenance Mentor wizards to makes key fields in SAP PM mandatory, thereby ensuring that maintenance personnel includes all of the necessary information before they can close out the work order. NRX Maintenance Mentor wizards ensure that this process is quick and simple, not laborious. NRX Maintenance Mentor makes it easy to capture failure codes or any other data required.



Enable data analysis. Consistently capturing Activity codes, Cause codes, and Damage codes enable our customers to more accurately use their data to predict failures and perform reliability analysis. Companies that do this successfully lower the cost of maintenance, and significantly decrease downtime.



Capture Detailed Data in SAP PM Work Orders for FMEA

Companies use Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) to review components, assemblies, and subsystems to identify failure modes, their causes, and their effects. A successful FMEA activity helps to identify potential failure modes based on experience and therefore requires complete and accurate failure data when problems arise. Usually, this is the data captured in a work order. But if work order data is sketchy or missing, it is not possible to perform an accurate analysis.


What NRX Maintenance Mentor does

NRX Maintenance Mentor helps our customers ensure data required for FMEA is easily included in work orders. NRX Maintenance Mentor provides an easy-to-use front end to SAP Plant Maintenance. Our customers use NRX Maintenance Mentor to guide maintenance technicians through a series of questions, collecting critical data, and populating key information for work order creation and closeout.



Improve Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA).  Work order closeouts capture correct Activity codes and Cause and Damage codes for accurate reporting and reliability analysis.

Improve maintenance efficiency. Capturing complete and accurate data in work orders allows companies to better allocate maintenance resources, and focus on the areas that provide the best return for the company.



Reduce the Time and Costs Required for SAP PM Training

Companies whose maintenance personnel are required to log in to SAP to perform their “paperwork” invest a significant amount of time and effort with training, either formal or on the job. SAP PM users find creating and updating notifications and work orders to be a cumbersome process.


What NRX Maintenance Mentor does

NRX Maintenance Mentor provides a simple, wizard-driven interface that can be readily customized for each customer’s environment, setting fields as mandatory, to reduce omissions, providing selection lists to prevent errors, and even automatically populating fields based on previous responses. Our customers use NRX Maintenance Mentor to simplify SAP PM processes, and adapting terminology to match the work environment



Save on SAP PM training costs. Learning to use a wizard that reflects the users’ work environment takes much less time than learning to use SAP PM. Users can be up and running in minutes.

Maintenance personnel can focus on maintenance. NRX Maintenance Mentor significantly reduces the amount of time it takes for work order closeouts, making it possible for maintenance personnel to decrease “paperwork” and increase wrench time.

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How to Guide Personnel through Complex Maintenance Processes