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The NRX Blog

5 Reasons Why You Need Better BOMs

5 Reasons Why You Need Better BOMs

Many asset-intensive companies struggle with maintaining bills of materials (BOMs) for their critical equipment. BOMs allow maintenance personnel to create work orders efficiently and accurately. Without BOMs, companies are faced with duplicate parts, unorganized...

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Reshaping Equipment Tag Management

Reshaping Equipment Tag Management

What is tag allocation and why is it important? Asset-intensive companies require thousands of asset tags to Identify and keep track of their equipment. Without these critical tags, it would be impossible to keep all assets organized. It is important that the tags are...

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Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

At HubHead, we know that NRX AssetHub is powerful and versatile software for working with EAM/CMMS asset and maintenance data.  Asset-intensive companies use it to manage all aspects of their asset data. However, by thinking outside of the box, our customers have...

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NRX AssetHub Remembers Chicken Little

NRX AssetHub Remembers Chicken Little

In case you’re not familiar with the story, Chicken Little was hit on the head with an acorn while she was walking in the woods one day. She deduced that the sky was falling, and set out to tell the king. On the way, she and several other barnyard creatures were led...

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Come Hang Out with NRX AssetHub

Come Hang Out with NRX AssetHub

If you haven’t figured it out already, that’s me in the jailhouse jumpsuit, entertaining some SAP consultants, hanging over the edge of the famed CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario, 1168 feet (356 m) above the concrete below. Other than paddling through the Florida...

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Drowning in Spreadsheets? You need magic!

Drowning in Spreadsheets? You need magic!

We spend a lot of time helping customers track data for their asset intensive businesses. Their industries range from Energy, Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper, Construction, Mining - you name it.  One thing our customers all share: some, if not all, of their asset data is...

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Fall in love with your EAM all over again

Fall in love with your EAM all over again

Here at HubHead, we spend a lot of time with customers who are managing Asset Intensive businesses in Oil & Gas, Energy, Paper, Transportation, Utilities and many other industries. Almost all of those customers have implemented some form of EAM (Enterprise Asset...

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