The NRX Blog
Watch Out for the Potholes: The Importance of Visualizing EAM Data
In a perfect world, trains run on time, the pace of traffic is fast enough to get to work on time and roads don’t have glaring potholes to avoid. In that same perfect world, we’d also like our data to be clean, organized and manageable. It wouldn’t be too much of a...
Don’t get left behind: The Top 5 Issues with Legacy Systems
When companies look to improve the quality of data in their CMMS system, one of the most common issues they face is with their assets that are tied up in legacy systems. It may seem easier to find a solution that will work with these systems, but as time goes on you...
Shifting the Gears to Success: The Benefits of KPIs in your EAM data
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a crucial tool in evaluating the progress of goals set by businesses. They provide objective evidence that aids in decision making and planning for future projects. Ranging from measuring efficiency, to quality and resource...
One Size Does Not Fit All
Picking the right software for your company is a complicated task. This process is extremely bureaucratic due to the number of people that need to agree upon and approve of the software purchase. Often, the team that chooses or approves the software works separately...
Fixing 10% can make 90% of the Difference
Why is it so tempting to put off doing a corporate data cleanse? Partially, the huge upfront cost. Companies would much rather spend on something that is tangible like brand new equipment, or larger facilities. Then there is the manpower required to efficiently run a...
Data Quality Trust Issues
Your job requires data that has been compiled by numerous different sources and so a certain amount of trust in the work of others is required. What if you find persisting errors riddled in the data that you require to do your job? Are you still able to trust any of...
Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast
Where are you now, and where do you want to be? Plan, idealize, break down each process. Strategize. Make a business report, have it approved. But wait, all of this will be worthless if you cannot inspire your team to carry out your vision. Schedule a Meeting Perhaps...
Execute an Efficient Data Cleansing Project
Today we live in a world where data is a necessary asset at any part of any profitable organization. However, without a proper routine in place to keep data clean, insights and value cannot be fully realized. Before knowing how to execute an efficient data cleansing...
3 Benefits of Smart Factories
Manufacturing units are becoming more and more automated, generating a huge amount of data. In this ever-growing industrial market, data plays a big role in creating incredible value for businesses. It gives companies the insight to eliminate expensive breakdowns in...
ISO 5500X Series Breakdown
Last week our blog focused on the overview of ISO 5500X series. This week we’ll go more in-depth on the 3 standards that make up the series. To give a quick recap of what ISO 5500X is, it guides companies on how to merge asset management, corporate financial and...