The NRX Blog
When to Optimize Your Preventive Maintenance Strategy
In the past few years, plant maintenance has become increasingly important due to business, economic, and technological influences. Regular preventive maintenance (PM) is important for preventing unplanned downtime and ensuring that machines and equipment are...
Why is Preventive Maintenance Important?
Preventive Maintenance (PM) can help your company reduce the costs of maintenance and repairs. While planned, preventive maintenance may pose a small hindrance to your regular production, it is nothing compared to the impacts of unplanned downtime caused by equipment...
Tips for Maintaining High-Quality Master Data
Ensuring your asset and maintenance master data is high-quality before a migration is an essential step in an EAM migration project. It is important to prepare your master data for an EAM migration before you complete your migration to ensure that the data in your new...
How to Prepare Your Master Data for Migration
If you are planning an EAM migration, then ensuring your asset and maintenance master data is high-quality before migrating it into your new system is an essential step in your migration project. High-quality master data powers increased productivity and saves your...
How to Standardize Your Spare Parts Data
There are many benefits of implementing a standard for your spare parts data, and before an EAM migration presents an ideal opportunity to cleanse your materials data and standardize your spare parts data. This ensures that your new EAM system is set up to support...
Benefits of Standardizing Spare Parts Data
Asset-intensive companies rely heavily on effective spare parts management to reduce costs while keeping operations running smoothly. When equipment breaks down or requires routine maintenance, maintenance technicians must be able to determine which spare parts are...
Benefits of EAM Migrations for Maintenance Processes
An EAM migration presents an optimal time to make changes to your asset and maintenance master data and improve your maintenance processes. By implementing the best practices for EAM migrations, you can improve your maintenances processes and ensure that your new EAM...
Best Practices for EAM Migrations
Migrating to a new EAM system can be a lengthy project. Even though it may seem overwhelming, many asset-intensive companies get to where an EAM migration becomes necessary. An EAM migration can have many benefits for the efficiency of your maintenance processes and...
How International Standards Benefit APM Analysis
Before you can successfully implement APM analysis or any reliability program, it is critical to have your assets well organized. Implementing an international standard helps ensure your asset data is accurate, consistent, and detailed.
What Asset Data Do You Need For Successful APM Analysis?
Your EAM system must contain accurate and well-organized asset data for a successful APM analysis and to get the most out of your software investment.