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4 Common Mistakes Made During an EAM Migration

4 Common Mistakes Made During an EAM Migration

An EAM migration is a long and grueling process. Many companies that plan to do one don’t go into it with the right expectations and planning. As a result, common mistakes such as going into a migration with poor quality data, migrating data at once, failure to establish standards within their asset hierarchy, poor testing, unwillingness to seek expert help can all occur.

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How Poor EAM/CMMS Data Can Cause Asset Integrity Issues

How Poor EAM/CMMS Data Can Cause Asset Integrity Issues

Prior to loading EAM data onto a new EAM system, making sure data is of good quality is key. Otherwise, poor EAM/CMMS data can have detrimental affects on your company, including in its asset integrity. Poor data directly contributes to a shortened asset lifecycle as well as other mechanical issues within assets.

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Key Steps In The Different Phases of EAM Migration Testing

Key Steps In The Different Phases of EAM Migration Testing

The key phases of EAM migration planning include the pre-migration testing phase, the migration testing phase and the post migration testing phase. Within each of these phases there are many actions you need to take to properly test the migration, but understanding the key actions will give you a better sense of what testing may look like.

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EAM Migration Planning Tips

EAM Migration Planning Tips

An EAM migration requires lots of careful planning. The more planning is done the easier the process becomes. To help with planning, be sure to understand the source and target EAM, back up all of your data in case things go wrong, identify risks early on and reduce downtime as much as possible.

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Benefits of Aligning Asset Hierarchy With ISO 14224

Benefits of Aligning Asset Hierarchy With ISO 14224

Aligning your company’s asset hierarchy with ISO 14224 is great for optimizing it. Doing so ensures consistency throughout it and offers a wide variety of benefits such as clearer communication among different facilities within a company, being able to identify failures quickly and consistent RM data.

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How Poor EAM Maintenance Master Data (MMD) Is Caused

How Poor EAM Maintenance Master Data (MMD) Is Caused

To understand how to fix and prevent problems you need to know what causes them. The main reasons as to why poor EAM master data occurs is because companies start too late, use the wrong tools, work in silos, are unable to manage change, don’t have checks and balances and build on unstable foundations.

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Why EAM Migrations Fail

Why EAM Migrations Fail

EAM migrations can fail for several reasons. Understanding exactly why migrations fail can help your company in doing preventative maintenance. Lack of adequate planning and testing both play apart in migrations failing, but poor quality EAM data is one of the biggest reasons that EAM migration failure can occur.

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