The NRX Blog
Prioritizing Excellent User Experience in your EAM/CMMS System
If you found a product that did what you needed but proved difficult to operate, would you still use it? If so, could you guarantee your technicians would too? Nowadays, products are consistently being optimized for maximum ease of use to improve the experience of...
Good Questions to Ask Before an EAM Migration
What are some good questions to ask before I start my EAM migration?
EAM Migrations: Prepping your Master Data
If you are planning an EAM migration, then ensuring your asset and maintenance master data is high-quality before migrating is an essential step in your migration project. High-quality master data powers increased productivity and reduces expenses associated with...
It’s Time to Meet the Stakeholders of your Migration Project
As we’ve said time and time again, an EAM migration is only as successful as the team that’s leading it. Naturally, there will be lots of people involved in this transition. You may know your role as a stakeholder, but what about everyone else’s? Having a clear...
You Need a Preventative Maintenance Strategy. Here’s Why.
Planning is an especially critical component of companies dealing with asset management. However, many companies fail to plan proactively and rely on reactive maintenance by responding to asset issues after they occur. Instead, optimizing preventative maintenance...
General Guidelines in Preserving Source Data Integrity
Properly preserving source data integrity comes with several guidelines for an optimal result.
The Implications of Poor-Quality Asset Data
Downtime refers to the duration of time when your machinery is not in production. While downtime can be planned for equipment set up or scheduled repairs, unplanned downtime refers to downtime that occurs unexpectedly because of an unforeseen shutdown or equipment...
Common Obstacles in Data Mapping During a Migration
A data mapping initiative can bring several common challenges during a migration – here are the ones you should prepare for.
Optimizing Your Migration with Endorsed Practices
Here are some of the best practices employed to optimize an EAM migration’s success.
Adding Mobility to your EAM/CMMS System
It’s clear the need to support mobile workers is paramount to continued success. EAM/CMMS systems are constantly evolving to meet the needs of the user, and one of the most integral features within these systems is their mobile capabilities. With the current need to...